Five arrested for terrorist labeling after Koran burning

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Five people have been arrested on suspicion of being labeled a terrorist crime, the Security Police stated in a press release. The suspicions concern plans for a terrorist crime in Sweden. The suspected crime in question is deemed to have international links to violent Islamist extremism. – The current case is one of several that the Security Police worked on after the protests that were directed at Sweden in connection with the high-profile burning of the Koran in January and where there are international calls for attacks, says Susanna Trehörning, deputy unit head for counter-terrorism at the Security Police in the press release. Several operations during the morning The suspects were arrested in a coordinated operation together with the police in Eskilstuna, Linköping and Strängnäs. In addition, a number of house searches must be carried out during the morning. – The security police often need to intervene early to ward off a threat. We cannot wait for a crime to be completed before we act, says Trehörning in the press release. The five arrested persons have been arrested by prosecutors on suspicion of labeling them terrorist crimes. The preliminary investigation is run by the Security Police under the direction of prosecutors at the National Security Unit. Court: Koran burning to be allowed At the same time as news of the arrests came, the administrative court announced that the police’s decision to deny permission to Koran burnings outside the Turkish and Iraqi embassies was wrong. “The Administrative Court does not consider that the circumstances that have formed the basis of the Police Authority’s decision are sufficient to deny the permits in the two cases in question. The Police Authority’s decision must therefore be annulled,” they write in a press release. It was in mid-February this year that the police denied burnings outside the Turkish and Iraqi embassies, respectively. The decisions were motivated by the fact that the threat to Sweden has been affected by previous burnings and that the risk of attacks would increase if future burnings were allowed.
