(Finance) – From its constitution in 1987, the FitD managed 16 bank crises, with a total outlay of 3.3 billion euros, safeguarding 29 billion euros of protected deposits. At the end of 2024, the Consorted banks at the FitD are 129, with an overall collection of 2,127.6 billion euros and protected deposits of 735.7 billion euros. This is what emerged from the assembly of consortium banks to the interbank deposits’ interbank fund (FitD) and the assembly of members to the voluntary intervention scheme of the Fitd (Switch).
There risks of consortium banks continues to improvewith a constant drop in the last 8 years of the (median) risk indicator of the Fitd of 35%, which went from a value of 49.6 (out of 100 basic points) in 2016 to 31.8 in 2023, reaching 32.4 in June 2024. In the past year There have been no interventions of the Fitd on consortium banks or the Switch to support participating banks; And this confirming the solidity of the Italian banking sector.
Thanks to the contributions collected in July 2024, it was reached the objective level of the financial allocationwhich at the end of the year stands at 6.04 billion euros, equal to 0.82% of the total protected deposits. The management of the FitD financial endowment produced a positive result of around 144 million euros in 2024. Since 2015, consortium banks have paid resources for a total of around 8 billion euros. In addition to the financial allocation, the FitD has a back-up liquidity financing for 3.5 billion euros, granted by a pool of consortium banks.
The Plan of Fitd activities for 2025it is expected no less challenging than that implemented in 2024
The Fitd assembly has The Management Committee for 2025 renewedin the following composition: Angelo Campani (Credem), Fabio Cerchiai (Bper); Stefano Lado (Banco di Desio and Brianza); Aurelio Maccario (Unicredit); Camillo VeneSio (Banca del Piemonte) and Francesco Venosta (Banca Popolare di Sondrio), which are added to the president Mario Stella Richter and the vice president Davide Alfonsi (Intesa Sanpaolo), which of the management committee are members of law.
The Voluntary schemeactive since 2016, carried out 5 interventions for a total of 1.3 billion euros. With the reform approved in 2024, the Swiss has equipped itself with its own autonomous statute compared to that of the FitD and an intervention capacity also extended to any preliminary stages of difficulties of participating banks, as a complementary intervention tool. The voluntary scheme, to which they adhere today 100 banks, representing 77.5% of the consortium banks at the FitD and 93.6% of the total of their protected deposits, retains its strategic role, with low operating costs.
The assembly of banks participating in the Swiss, held today, has Management Council appointed for the three-year period 2025-2027in the following composition: Fabio Cerchiai (Bper); Paolo D’Amico (BNL); Pierre débourdeaux (Crèdit Agricole); Giorgio Galvagno (Cr Asti); Aurelio Maccario (Unicredit); Andrea Francesco Maffezzoni (MPS); Gianluca Marzinotto (BP Fondi); Bruno Picca (ISP); Giovanni Pirovano (Mediolanum); Gianpietro Val (BPM); To which are added the president Mario Stella Richter and the president of ABI Antonio Patuelli as a law councilor.