First trailer reveals the start of the grand series finale

First trailer reveals the start of the grand series finale

Only eight episodes left. Then the series milestone The Walking Dead ends after 12 years, 11 seasons and a total of 177 episodes. But before that, Daryl, Carol, Negan, Maggie and their comrades must band together one last time and in the great battle against the Commonwealth draw. Will they all survive? And will Rick Grimes stop by to say goodbye?

The expectations for the ending of The Walking Dead are huge. We will soon find out whether it can fulfill these. As part of the San Diego Comic-Con was now the first Trailer for the big The Walking Dead finale released. But not only that: finally it is also known when the end of the zombie saga will start.

The Walking Dead Season 11 begins the final battle of Daryl, Negan and Co in the trailer.

The Walking Dead – Season 11 Final Episodes Trailer (English) HD

After the Season 11B cliffhanger, it’s clear who the final major villain of The Walking Dead is. Lance Hornsby and the soldiers of the Commonwealth incorporated the communities of Alexandria, Hilltop, and Oceanside, and here military bases built. The Commonwealth can no longer be trusted.

In the Commonwealth itself Meanwhile, a revolution is brewing, after Connie published an article about the Milton’s machinations. From now on there is no turning back for the characters.

While the Commonwealth is getting more and more dangerous and even internment camp built for system critical, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and Co, must find a way to stop the overwhelming power of Hornsby’s army.

As showrunner Angela Kang revealed in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Daryl (Norman Reedus) more than ever the leader of his people in the final episodes:

[Daryl] will be very crucial to how all events unfold this season. We also have to remember that Daryl is a parent figure to Judith and RJ, and that’s also an important part of the story – his role with those kids and the things they’ll all do to protect the children of the apocalypse.

But also Carol (Melissa McBride) will play a pivotal role in the final battle. Will she show anyone the flowers again?

We’ll see some really cool Carol moments as she outwits and outlives those trying to harm her people. It’s like a chess master playing 4D chess while other people just muddle through moment to moment.

What we already know about the ending of The Walking Dead (warning, spoilers!):

When do the final episodes of The Walking Dead start on Disney+?

With a total of 24 episodes, the 11th season is not only the longest but also the final season of The Walking Dead. After 16 episodes have already been broadcast, the publication of the will now begin in autumn 2022 last eight episodes. It starts in the USA on October 2, 2022 at AMC. In Germany are the consequences every Monday from October 3, 2022 on Disney+ to see.

The Walking Dead: Is the ending doomed after 11 seasons?

The Walking Dead is coming to an end after 12 years and 11 seasons. In the Moviepilot podcast, we discuss the numerous problems of the final 11th season:

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We look back at the first 16 episodes and explore the strengths and weaknesses of season 11. With a view to the upcoming finale, we devote ourselves to the question: Can there still be a good finale for the greatest zombie series of our time in the last eight episodes?

Did the trailer get you excited for The Walking Dead finale?
