First trailer for the upcoming Watchmen adaptation

First trailer for the upcoming Watchmen adaptation

When it comes to the best comic book adaptations that brought panel by panel from the original to the screen, Watchmen always has to be mentioned. After 300, director Zack Snyder filmed Alan Moore’s story in which superheroes have to fear for their lives in an alternate reality.

After the Snyder adaptation, a Watchmen series was released by HBO in 2019, which continued to think about the original with its own ideas as a kind of remix. Now fans can look forward to a new Watchmen film adaptation, which is probably very close to the comic again. A first trailer tunes in to the two-part animated film.

Here is the first trailer for the upcoming animated Watchmen adaptation:

Watchmen – Teaser Trailer (English) HD

Dark superheroes in danger: That’s what Watchmen is about

Watchmen designs a alternative world historyin which superheroes have intervened in humanity’s greatest conflicts. The action takes place in a fictional America in 1985, where Richard Nixon is still president because he was able to win the Vietnam War with the help of the so-called Watchmen. One day, one of their former comrades is murdered and the masked avenger Rorschach stumbles upon a conspiracy.

According to the first trailer for the new Watchmen animated films, it is again a very faithful adaptation of the comics. In contrast to the Snyder version, this time there may even be the Giant squid to be seen in the final…

When will the new animated Watchmen adaptation be released?

A release date for the new film adaptations of the brutal superhero saga has not yet been announced. Warner Bros. has only stated that at least the first part this year should appear.

If you want to watch Zack Snyder’s Watchmen movie again, you can watch the blockbuster currently with Joyn Plus+ in subscription stream or rent or buy the version from providers such as Amazon Prime.
