first trailer for the DLC “Reunion of Memories”

first trailer for the DLC Reunion of Memories

Announced last month, the “Reunion of Memories” DLC for One Piece Odyssey has just revealed its first trailer. The opportunity to learn a little more about this young girl wearing a hood and carrying a powerful cube in her hands. It is actually an ancient relic made up of all the information collected by the Divine Breath. Suffice to say that his power is immense. Especially since the intentions of this mysterious girl seem evil and of course, the Straw Hat crew will have to act to save Humanity again. Nothing really new under the sun, especially after the boat scenario of the main game and the frankly not exciting stakes. This script extension will also be a way to reintroduce familiar and renowned faces. Mihawk, Perona, Ener but also Whitebeard will be among the characters who will join forces with Luffy and his friends.

The release of this “Reunion of Memories” DLC is expected for May 25 on all platforms where the main game has been released.

One Piece Odyssey

One Piece Odyssey

One Piece Odyssey

One Piece Odyssey
