First trailer for sci-fi hit Rebel Moon makes Dune 2 a competitor

First trailer for sci fi hit Rebel Moon makes Dune 2

With Rebel Moon, Netflix is ​​bringing one of the most exciting sci-fi blockbusters of 2023. It was directed by Zack Snyder, who was able to use the project to implement an earlier Star Wars pitch that Disney had rejected at the time. After a first look behind the scenes is now the first trailer for Rebel Moon been published. A second part is also already certain.

Check out the first Rebel Moon trailer here:

Rebel Moon – Teaser Trailer (English) (HD)

That’s what Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon is about

In the story of the sci-fi blockbuster, the violent tyrant Balisarius (Fra Fee) wants the Suppress the population of a moon at the edge of the galaxy. The warrior Kora (Sofia Boutella) does not want to put up with this and assembles an army from members of the surrounding planets for the great fight against the ruler.

Snyder came up with the idea for his later Star Wars pitch, Rebel Moon, over 20 years ago. His main inspiration for the plot was Akira Kurosawa’s classic The Seven Samurai.

Rebel Moon is set to launch a new Netflix franchise

At some point, Rebel Moon’s runtime got so out of hand that Snyder had to split the film into two parts for Netflix. We may even get a Rebel Moon trilogy, with only two parts confirmed as of now.

Similar to Army of the Dead, which the director recently shot for the streaming service, Rebel Moon is also set to open a larger franchise. Besides the movies an RPG was also developedset in Snyder’s new sci-fi universe.

When does Rebel Moon start on Netflix?

The first part of Rebel Moon is coming December 22, 2023 into the Netflix streaming subscription. He bears the official additional title A Child of Fire. Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver will be released on April 19, 2024 to Netflix.

Podcast: The 8 best Netflix movies of all time

Since 2015, Netflix has not only released exclusive series, but also films. We looked at the titles of the past few years and selected the eight best Netflix original films. You can find out exactly which ones are involved in this edition of our podcast Streamgegräber.

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