First Skäggetorp Festival: “We do positive things and build relationships that way”

KISAM-The mothers of the world and the youth of the world invited on Saturday to music, food, song, dance and politics. Together with other actors, the theme of the festival is jobs and education.

– Not many people come to Skäggetorp if you don’t live there, but we will become an arena for meetings between many, says one of the organizers Sira Jokinen Lisse.

All politicians and all managers within Linköping Municipality and in the Region were invited, as well as several companies.

– The companies we consider are positive and have this type of commitment. And this is a good start for next year.

Last year, when it was an election year, the “Valfesten” was organized. Because it was well attended, this year they are making a meeting place for companies, educators, civil society and politicians together with the residents of Skäggetorp.

– We need to do positive things here in Skäggetorp, and in that way meet and meet. We want to be a counterbalance or an equilibrium.

See and hear committed young people who believe in the festival and what they do, in the video above.
