First seen with his father! North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s daughter appeared: Name not disclosed

First seen with his father North Korean leader Kim Jong uns

North Korean news agency KCNA, in its news about the missile test, included photos of Kim and the unnamed boy around the missile platform set up at the airport in the capital Pyongyang.


In the photos showing the launch of the “Hwasong-17” missile, Kim is seen walking in front of the wheeled missile platform with a 12-13 year old girl in a white coat holding her hand, watching it being carried to the runway, and walking around the runway after being brought to a vertical position.

In another photo, which shows Kim watching the launch from the watchtower, the boy in the white coat sits next to Kim.


The boy, whose name was not mentioned in the news of KCNA, appeared in front of the cameras for the first time. American basketball player Dennis Rodman shared the information that Kim and his wife Ri Sol Ju had a baby named “Ju Ae” in an interview with the British Guardian newspaper after his visit to the country in 2013.


Rodman said, “I held their baby Ju Ae in my arms and talked to Ms. Ri as well.” had used the phrase.

North Korean state media made the public announcement of Kim and Ri’s marriage in July 2012. South Korean intelligence shared with the country’s authorities that the marriage ceremony was actually held three years ago, but was not disclosed.


Kim’s wife, Ri, began to be referred to as “respectable first lady” in the state media after 2018. Ri was allegedly pregnant in 2012.



South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff announced yesterday that North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile to the east at 10:18 a.m. local time.

The Japanese Ministry of Defense also announced that at 11:23 am local time, the missile was estimated to have landed inside the Japanese national exclusive zone.


It was recorded that the missile, which remained in the air for 69 minutes, reached an altitude of 6 thousand kilometers and reached a range of approximately 1000 kilometers.

The USA, Japan and South Korea held an emergency meeting at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit held in Thailand after the launch. Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and South Korean Prime Minister Han Duck Soo as well as Canadian, Australian and New Zealand prime ministers attended the meeting, which was called by US Vice President Kamala Harris.

