first professional elections for meal deliverers and VTC drivers

first professional elections for meal deliverers and VTC drivers

The platform model of meal deliverers and VTC drivers with so-called self-employed workers is increasingly contested, especially in Europe. The ballot, which runs until May 16, is supposed to be a small step towards regulating the sectors. But it is also already criticized.

There are many applications: sixteen lists in total. Seven for transport vehicles with driver, nine for delivery people. Each collective having gathered more than 5% of the votes will be able to appoint three representatives and take part in negotiations on imposed topics: remuneration, working conditions, social guarantees will be on the menu, for example.

Low turnout?

Despite this first election, an upheaval in the sector is far from guaranteed. Several ruts mark the road of the workers: the CGT anticipates a weak participation. The ballot is aimed at precarious workers who will be able to express themselves exclusively electronically. The union therefore fears that this body is poorly represented. Representativeness which remains to be defined on the employers’ side.

Major driver and delivery organizations refused to participate in these elections. The union of private drivers denounces the absence of ” constraint for the platforms, apart from that of sitting “. He therefore fears negotiations without an agreement. Finally, some believe that these elections are more in line with the platforms, while Brussels has proposed an arsenal of measures to force them to respect certain wage obligations.

A “ third status »?

The employers’ organization of the liberal professions, U2P, estimated this winter that the government was in the process of creating the conditions for “ a third status between that of self-employed worker and that of employee “.

For the Minister of Labour, Elisabeth Borne, the election of representatives of delivery people and VTC constitutes ” a historic meeting which will enable workers to improve their terms ” all in “ respecting their independent status “.

Read also: The EU wants to protect the social rights of workers on platforms like Uber or Deliveroo
