First photo for giant black hole in Milky Way Galaxy

First photo for giant black hole in Milky Way

After the first black hole photo ever taken, the first photo came for the giant black hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Black holes have been known by the scientific world for many years and studies are being carried out on them. However, no black hole photos could be taken before 2019. Scientists who made a history on this subject shared the first photo you see at the bottom of the page taken in 2019 with the public. With a diameter of 40 billion km, it is completely removed from the Earth. three million times larger This giant black hole, which is “beast” was defined as. Today, another exciting step has been taken and for the first time we have The giant black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy created photo. Directly here Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) The photograph, which was published centered on the first photograph, reveals a similar structure but a different formation. The black hole, known as Sagittarius A* and thought to be roughly 4 million times the mass of the Sun, is reportedly It is located 27,000 light years from Earth.. This photo has historical significance as it proves a reality that scientists have long predicted.

A black hole is described in astrophysics as a massive cosmic body whose gravitational field is so strong that it does not allow any material formation and radiation to escape from it.


About 53 million light years from Earth far away Eight telescopes located in different parts of the world were used to photograph the first black hole. The same partnership was formed for this new photo. Professor Heino Falcke from Radboud University, who gave the proposal to photograph the giant hole, stated that the first black hole taken was found in the galaxy called M87 in the Virgo galaxy cluster.

Designed on the computer for many years “imaginary” Many details about the holes we see images of still remain a mystery, but as technology improves, the level of human vision increases.

1652368604 766 First photo for giant black hole in Milky Way

First black hole photo ever taken

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