First look at Disney+’s Marvel series, which has already been renamed 4 times

First look at Disneys Marvel series which has already been

When it comes to the title of the WandaVision spin-off about Agatha Harkness, there is a lot of witchcraft going on. After a whopping four renamings The Disney+ format finally landed on the magical title Agatha All Along, which was something you could have guessed from the beginning (!). Even if it does rehash the series character’s meme-ridden catchphrase.

Already in Autumn 2024 The format is supposed to be invoked, but so far we have not seen anything at all from the Marvel series. That is changing now.

WandaVision witch returns for Agatha All Along on Disney+: This is what it looks like

Thanks to our US colleagues at Empire, we get a first look at the series Agatha All Along with Kathryn Hahn, even if it is a bit meager with only one exclusive image:

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What WandaVision creator Jac Schaeffer had to say about the project, for which Patti LuPone, Sasheer Zamata, Debra Jo Rupp and Ali Ahn also joined the cast, is almost a little more revealing:

What they have in common is the fact that they are circleless witches. Witches are Deception, fraud, malice and selfishness So what do you do when you have a group of them that have those characteristics, but they have to work together?

At the same time, they want to question common witch tropes – similar to how WandaVision deconstructed TV sitcoms. Schaeffer continues:

We want to be sure no one-dimensional, terrible witches. There will be moments when Agatha will see her true heart.

You can find all further information about the Agatha series in our all-encompassing know-it-all article.

Podcast in Pride Month 2024: How queer is the world of series really?

At Streamgestöber we do a reality check on how LGBTQ+ friendly series in 2024 actually are:

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Even in 2024, it is still necessary to examine the queer-friendliness of the series landscape. Although the largest streaming provider Netflix has many queer characters and LGBTQ+ inclusive series available to stream, this unfortunately does not represent the rest of the streaming world.
