Influenza has made an early arrival in Brantford with a first confirmed case, according to the Brant County Health Unit.
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While Canadian seasonal flu activity typically begins as early as October and continues as late as May, it’s been confirmed locally, along with a slight increase in COVID-19 cases.
Acting Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Rebecca Comley, said in a news release Friday that the most effective way of avoiding the flu is to get a free flu shot, available to anyone six months and older who lives, works or attends school in Ontario .
“The flu shot is a quick, simple and safe way to protect yourself, loved ones, co-workers and the community,” said Comley.
“The flu can be very serious for infants, older adults and those with chronic diseases. These groups are at a much higher risk for serious illness.”
The vaccine for influenza won’t be available to all eligible Ontarians until the end of October.
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Last year, there were 422 lab-confirmed flu cases in Brantford-Brant.
Data from the southern hemisphere showed the 2023 seasonal influenza vaccine reduced the risk for influenza-associated hospitalizations by 52 per cent. The vaccine protects against several common strains of the virus.
Influenza symptoms include fever, cough, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, tiredness and loss of appetite.
It can cause more severe illness than the common cold and last two to five days after symptoms appear or up to seven days in young children.
For more information on influenza and the vaccine, go to the BCHU website at www.bchu.org.
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