First death sentence in ‘Mahsa Emini’ protests in Iran!

First death sentence in Mahsa Emini protests in Iran

While the trial of many demonstrators who participated in the demonstrations that started after Mahsa Emini’s death in Tehran province and accused of “starting a riot” continues, the Tehran Revolutionary Court sentenced 1 person to death and 5 people to prison.

In the news published in the Mizan News Agency, which is affiliated to the Iranian Judiciary, it was stated that “the investigation process of the protest cases started quickly, based on justice and law and without haste, and the trial of the defendants continues”, upon the instruction of the President of the Judiciary, Gulam Hüseyin Muhsini Ejei.

In the news, it was stated that the Tehran Revolutionary Court sentenced one of the demonstrators to death penalty and 5 other demonstrators to prison without revealing their identity information, and that the way to appeal the decisions was open.

The person sentenced to death is charged with “arson of the state institution, disturbing the public order and peace, engaging in open and covert activities against national security, deliberately damaging public property and corrupting the earth”.

It was also noted in the news that the Revolutionary Court sentenced 5 people to prison terms from 5 years to 10 years on charges such as “committing crimes against national security, engaging in open and secret activities to disrupt public order and peace”.


The death of 22-year-old Mahsa Emini, who fell ill and was taken to the hospital on September 13 in Tehran after being detained by the Irshad patrols, known as the “morality police”, on the grounds that she “did not comply with the headscarf rules”, died on September 16, sparked violent protests against the country’s government. Many people lost their lives in the demonstrations that continued for about two months.



As the indictments regarding the detainees began to be prepared, the punishments to be given to the demonstrators in the country became the subject of discussion.

With the signature of 227 deputies in the Iranian Parliament, a statement was published on Sunday, November 6, “proposing the execution of the death penalty for those who try to kill people with firearms or non-firearms during demonstrations”.

Iran’s Judiciary Head, Gulam Hussein Muhsini Ejei, said in a statement on November 7 that “the demonstrators and the rebels should be separated from each other during the judicial process”.


Ejei asked members of the judiciary to be careful in their assessments and said, “The members of the judiciary should separate the actual rebels from the innocent and deceived people in the last demonstrations and release these people with the necessary mechanisms.” had used the words.

The spokesperson of the Iranian Parliament Presidency, Nizamuddin Mousavi, referred to the declaration of 227 deputies on Tuesday, November 8, and said:

“(In this statement) Contrary to the false framework drawn by the Western media, the death penalty is not mentioned, but the ‘brief’ of those who take people’s lives is emphasized. Those who take the lives of others are also punished. Killing and slaughtering people with weapons on the pretext of protest is unacceptable.” (AA)
