Fireworks displays are beautiful but can be a nuisance or even harmful to some.
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The fallout from fireworks is causing some municipalities to make bylaw changes to restrict their use to national holidays.
The City of Woodstock council recently decided on a complete ban of the sale and use of consumer fireworks in the city. The decision was made after 50 complaints about fireworks were received in 2022 and 31 complaints for the first half of 2023.
Personal fireworks displays are no longer allowed in Woodstock but organized events, including the one held on Canada Day, aren’t impacted by the change.
Norfolk County County. Kim Huffman recently introduced a notice of motion asking the municipality to “tidy up” its fireworks bylaw. While Huffman said she’s not in favor of a complete ban, she’s looking for some changes.
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The current bylaw permits fireworks on, and two days prior and one day after, New Year’s Eve, Victoria Day Monday, Canada Day, Civic Holiday Monday, Labor Day Monday and, for reasons Huffman doesn’t understand, US Independence Day (July 4 ), She wants the bylaw amended so they are allowed just one day prior to the holidays.
And she wants the Fourth of July removed.
“I have absolutely no idea why we have another country’s national holiday included in our bylaw,” Huffman told fellow councilors. “That makes no sense to me.”
Huffman said she has heard from residents who are pet owners, as well as farmers, who have issues with the noise caused by fireworks.
An explosion of the number of fireworks displays in Brantford throughout the year prompted the city to change the rules about when they can be set off.
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In the City of Brantford, fireworks can only be discharged on private property on Victoria Day and Canada Day or on the three days leading up to these holidays. Fireworks are not to be ignited on public property, including parks and open fields.
The use of personal fireworks in Brantford is permitted only by those at least 18 years of age on private property by the property owner or with written permission by the owner.
Maria Visocchi, director of communications for the City of Brantford, said bylaw staff investigated four fireworks complaints in city parks in 2022 and one so far this year. No charges were issued.
“The reduction in calls related to fireworks is due largely to the efforts by Brantford Fire,” said Visocchi. “This year, fire prevention officers placed ‘No Fireworks Permitted’ signs at each city-owned park and sports field.”
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In 2022, the Brantford fire department received 31 calls about fireworks being set off and, so far this year, 40 calls.
“The majority of these incidents are not found because either the caller is unable to pin-point the exact location or the display is completed before fire’s arrival,” said Visocchi.
No charges were laid by the fire department in 2022 or so far this year.
The County of Brant recently changed its bylaw so that fireworks can only be discharged on, and three days before and three days after, the Victoria Day and Canada Day holidays.
Outside of these days, an approved permit from the County of Brant fire chief is required.
When changes were being considered, Brant County Coun. Steve Howes said they got complaints every year about the noise of fireworks. He said the size of the displays available to consumers “are almost competitive with what you’d expect to see at Canada’s Wonderland or Harbourfront.”
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count. Brian Coleman said he received calls from horse farmers who had problems with people setting off fireworks throughout the year.
“As a livestock (cattle) farmer, I don’t have too much of a problem with it but horses are extremely sensitive towards it,” Coleman said in 2022. “Last year, a horse was killed on a road due to fireworks. ”
Suzie Keczan, Brant’s acting director of communications, said four complaints were received by the county in 2022 about fireworks being set off outside the permitted days. One warning was given and, in the other three cases, the bylaw officer “educated the residents.”
So far this year, three complaints have been received. No charges were issued.
In addition, bylaw officers went to 22 local businesses to instruct staff about the sale of fireworks.
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