firefighters in difficulty in the foothills of the Chartreuse massif

firefighters in difficulty in the foothills of the Chartreuse massif

Everywhere in France, fires continue to break out: in Brittany and Dordogne, or even in Isère, in the mountainous massif of Chartreuse. Firefighters have been fighting the flames since Friday afternoon above the town of Voreppe, near Grenoble, where 90 hectares have burned. The drought complicates the work of firefighters even more than usual.

It was lightning that ignited the Chartreuse mountain range. The burning forest is inaccessible to fire soldiers because the terrain is vertical. But they adapt.

We can’t make a direct attack and engage people since it’s vertical and I’m going to send people who are roped in, we explains Colonel Bertrand Cassou, deputy departmental director of the Isère fire brigade, joined by Stéphane Duguet, from the Society service. And you can’t attack planes either, since planes can’t drop aside. We have to wait for the fire in some places. »

The other complication for the 308 firefighters mobilized is the drought. “ We have plants that usually do not ignite and today tend to go quickly in the fire and play a role in the spread “, describes Colonel Bertrand Cassou.

Fear of a long-lasting fire

The firefighters have in mind the Néron fire… a summit of the same mountain range. It burned for a month in 2003. Thirty days during which it had not rained. ” The fire will be extinguished when there are really the first rains, because it is really the rain that can extinguish inaccessible places. So if it doesn’t rain in 30 days, the fire will continue.fears the colonel. There will always be possible re-ignitions and we will always have to move regularly on this fire. »

In an attempt to stabilize the fire, firefighter helicopters have already dropped more than 130,000 liters of water on the mountain.

♦ Many fires in the rest of France

A fire on the edge of Lozère and Aveyron had “consumed” at least 700 hectares on Tuesday morning, without causing any injuries, but leading to the evacuation of some 3,000 people, according to the prefecture of Aveyron. Leaving at the end of the day on Monday from Massegros, in Lozère, the fire, started by an agricultural machine, then spread to Mostuéjouls, in Aveyron.

In Brittany, a fire took place near the Quiberon peninsula during the weekend, while another took place in the department of Finistère, most of the fires “are fixed” after having destroyed 290 hectares since Saturday, the prefecture said in a statement in the evening, except for a site near Brasparts where 160 firefighters were still on site.
