COURTLAND It was six-year-old Rory Bain’s turn to pump some water on Saturday while his firefighter dad, Tyler, looked on.
With some guidance from Norfolk County’s fire prevention officer, Cory Armstrong Smith, who helped him hang onto the blasting hose, Rory sent a stream of water into tiny plywood house set up at Lions Park in Courtland.
Kids in plastic fire helmets were invited to play some firefighting-themed games while the real deal – all volunteers with the Norfolk County Fire Department, showed off their skills in events such as water barrel, bucket brigade, a pump competition and a truck pull.
It was all part of the annual Firefighters Pump Competition, which brought together members of the volunteer teams in Courtland, Waterford, Port Dover, Vittoria, St. Williams and Brownsville (in Oxford County).
Bain, who has been a volunteer with the Courtland station for a decade, said he loves the work.
“It’s a way to give back to the community and there is the excitement of fighting a fire.”
Bain said his station – Courtland No. 6 – is called out to about 25 fires a year.
“Then there are accidents and medical calls,” he said. “We train every Wednesday and take courses throughout the year.”

Jason Robinson, also a member of the Courtland station and an organizer of Saturday’s event, said it’s a great way for firefighters to “get out and mingle without being on a fire scene.”
About 70 firefighters, their families and other members of the public joined the fun.
Robinson said it’s important for the public to meet firefighters at times that “aren’t one of their worst days.”
“They get to know us and if there’s ever an emergency they’re not afraid of us. They know we’re dropping everything to come and help them as much as we can.”
Trophies were awarded to the winners of the friendly competitions who earn a year’s worth of bragging rights.