Firefighter arrested for fatal fire


  • Firefighter arrested for fatal fire

    Another person has been arrested, suspected of involvement in the massive forest fire in Chile in February. 137 people died in the flames and thousands of homes were destroyed.

    The man, a volunteer firefighter and employee of Chile’s Disaster Preparedness Authority, is suspected of starting at least one of the fires. According to the police, he allegedly “enjoyed playing hero, participating and helping in emergency situations”.

    Since before, two other people have been detained in the case.


  • You had explosives in your bag – sentenced

    A 36-year-old man has been sentenced to prison for four and a half years after being caught with 5.3 kilograms of explosives in a taxi in Linköping.

    The man was arrested in March this year after the taxi driver sensed trouble and alerted the police, writes Corren.

    When the police checked the man, something similar to couscous was found in his bag. But the grit turned out to be ammonium nitrate mixed with diesel oil, so-called anfo, which is an explosive.

    The 36-year-old was sentenced in July to four years and six months in prison for a serious offense against the Act on Flammable and Explosive Goods. He appealed to the Göta Court of Appeal, which now upholds the verdict.

  • 40 killed in Israeli attack in Gaza

    40 people have been killed and 60 injured in an Israeli attack in Gaza, an official at the Gaza Civil Defense told AFP.

    The attack took place inside a tent camp in al-Mawasi outside the city of Khan Yunis.

    The Israeli military said in a statement that it struck “Hamas terrorists operating at a command and control center embedded in the humanitarian area of ​​Khan Yunis.”

  • Shots fired at residence in Bromma

    Shortly after 11 p.m., the police were called to a home in Bromma in western Stockholm. An area has been blocked off.

    – It is a little unclear what happened, possibly they found bullet holes in a door, says police spokesperson Anna Westberg.

    According to Aftonbladet’s information, shots were fired at an apartment where several people were.

    There are no reports of anyone being injured.

    A preliminary investigation into serious weapons crime and attempted murder has been initiated.

  • New drone alarm at Arlanda

    A new drone alarm came in at Arlanda this evening.

    At least one drone has reportedly been seen at the airport.

    – That’s right. Drones have been observed at Arlanda this evening. It must be about at least one, says Christopher Montecinos, civil servant on standby at the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority.

    The observation led to minor delays in air traffic.

    – There were minor delays on the start from Arlanda, from approximately 10:20 p.m., says Christopher Montecinos.

  • Death of James Earl Jones – voiced Darth Vader

    Actor James Earl Jones is dead, writes Deadline.

    He was 93 years old.

    Read more here.

  • Risk of forest fires

    The risk of local forest fires on Gotland is great tomorrow.

    That’s what SMHI writes.

    “Rain reduces the risk of forest fires, but during Tuesday, the sun and wind can dry up the land and thus increase the risk somewhat,” it writes on its website.

    Great care should be taken when burning outdoors, according to SMHI.

  • Great lack of quark

    There is a shortage of curd on the country’s dairy shelves.

    The reason is a sharp increase in demand, according to Arla.

    – There is a bit of quagmire fever at the moment, both here at home and in Europe, says Arla’s press manager Max Wallenberg to P4 Skaraborg,

    He believes it is connected to a prevailing training trend.

    Also P4 The valleys reports on the quark shortage in the shops.

    – It’s barely enough for a day, it disappears immediately, says Berez Ibrahim, manager of fresh produce at a grocery store in Falun, to the channel.

  • Gucci crashes on the stock market

    Gucci owner Kering’s share fell by around 4 percent on the Paris stock exchange today.

    So far this year, the stock has plummeted 43 percent and the value is now at its lowest level since 2017.

    This is reported by TT.

    Luxury brands have generally struggled on the stock market in recent months.

    One explanation is poor demand on the Chinese market.

    Gucci is among the hardest hit.

    In a comment on the stock’s fall, analysts at Barclays write that the downturn in the Chinese economy has made Chinese consumers more selective when shopping for luxury, and that they are choosing Gucci for brands that are even more exclusive.

  • Ello’s parent company in bankruptcy

    The holding company Ellos Group, parent company of Ellos, goes bankrupt. However, the brands are not affected, Ellos Group announces in a press release.

  • Four sheep killed by wolf

    Four sheep have been killed by a wolf near Malmköping. The wolf attack took place on the night of Monday between Sparreholm and Malmköping, the County Administrative Board announced in a mass text message. The County Administrative Board must have been on the scene.

    Last week, an orientation class had to be canceled at the Europaskolan in Malmköping after three girls in grade six saw a wolf in the small community. After that, the school canceled all outdoor activities. Since a little more than a week ago, about ten cats have disappeared from Malmköping.

  • Harvey Weinstein rushed to hospital

    The rewritten former film producer Harvey Weinstein has been taken to hospital and will undergo emergency heart surgery, writes ABC News.

    Weinstein reportedly had chest pains during the evening and was taken from Rikers Island, where he is serving his prison sentence. He was sentenced in 2020 to 23 years in prison for rape and sexual assault.

    This spring, the Supreme Court in New York overturned the verdict, because it is believed that mistakes were made during the trial. This week, Weinstein has been summoned to court in New York, where preparations are to begin before taking over the trial, writes TT.

  • Guterres: The destruction in Gaza worst I have seen

    UN Secretary General António Guterres. Photo: Pamela Smith/AP/TT

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres is calling for an end to the situation in Gaza, which he describes as the worst death and destruction he has seen in his more than seven years in office.

    At the same time, he says that it is “unrealistic” to think that the UN could play a role in the strip’s future, either by managing the area or by having a peacekeeping force there, because Israel would probably not accept a UN role.

    Guterres says the UN has offered to monitor a possible ceasefire and that “the UN will be available to support any ceasefire”.

  • Details: New EU minister will be presented tomorrow

    Tomorrow at the opening of the Riksdag, a new EU minister is to be presented, according to information to TV4 News.

    It has already been known that Ulf Kristersson will present a new foreign minister after Tobias Bilström.

    Both Billström and EU Minister Jessika Roswall were dismissed on Thursday.

    There is a lot of speculation about who will succeed Tobias Billström as foreign minister. Read more about it here.

  • Major power outage in Gothenburg

    Over 3,000 customers in Gothenburg are currently affected by power cuts.,

    This applies to the districts of Redbergslid, Bagaregården, Härlanda and Kålltorp.

    Göteborg Energi has a forecast that the power will be back on at 9:00 p.m.

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