Fire TV Sticks and more on sale – see how much you can save

Fire TV Sticks and more on sale see how

Although the biggest discount battles at Amazon with Black Friday and Cyberweek are still a long way off, the online retailer currently has offers as part of September a discount campaign for their own Amazon products started. So you get back up to date Fire TV Sticks, Kindles and Co. particularly cheap.

We have summarized all current deals for you so that you can see at a glance which offers can save you how much money.

Fire TV Stick 4K – Now 30 euros cheaper

To the deal

Amazon Fire TV, Echo, Fire Tablet and Kindle: The best September deals at a glance

If you’ve been toying with the idea of ​​buying a Fire TV Stick, Fire Tablet, or Kindle for some time and can’t wait until this year’s Black Friday, be sure to check out Amazon’s September deals. These are not rock-bottom prices, but you can still Save up to 50 percent compared to the normal price.

Fire TV Sticks and Cubes on sale:


FireTV Stick

Amazon Echos on sale:

Amazon Kindles on sale:

Amazon Fire TV Tablet on sale:

If you want to know which Fire TV Stick is best for which application, just take a look at our buying guide:

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