Fire on the student boat in Karlskrona

Here is suspected of the perpetrator in Munich


  • Fire on the student boat in Karlskrona

    Fire on the student boat in Karlskrona

    It has burned on the student boat in Karlskrona.

    The police and the rescue service we were alerted at 21.30.

    “We suspect it was landscaped, and a person has remained on the boat when we arrived there,” says Patric Fors, press officer at the police.

    A 55-year-old man, who is known to the police since before, is suspected of damage through fire and illegal infringement.

    Also on Saturday it burned on the student boat. The fire then arose in connection with cooking, writes the newspaper.

  • Trump introducing new customs – all over the world

    Trump introducing new customs – all over the world

    US President Donald Trump has ordered his advisers to calculate individual customs duties against US trading partners worldwide, reports New York Times.

    “The US allies are often worse than our enemies,” he tells the overall press.

    Sky News Writes that the new customs could create “a global economic conflict”.

    According to a source within the White House, customs rates are to match the fees that other countries charged by the United States.

    According to Trump, the customs apply, among other things, cars and drugs.

    The first customs will be rolled out within a few weeks, but the work on introducing all new customs fees is expected to take several months.

  • Girl robbed at school – by masked persons

    Girl robbed at school – by masked persons

    A 15-year-old girl has been robbed on her way home from her school in Landskrona.

    The police were alerted at 17 on Thursday.

    “The girl says that three unknown and masked people have forced her belongings,” the police write on their website.

    The incident is investigated as robbery.

  • Suspected dangerous object was harmless

    Suspected dangerous object was harmless

    A suspected dangerous object has been found outdoors at a wall in Fittja in Botkyrka.

    – We found the object ourselves. It really started with a completely different thing and this became a bonus effect of an already started event, says Ola Österling, press spokesman for the police.

    Ola Österling does not want to comment on what the police did at the scene – when the object was discovered.

    What is the type of object?

    – I do not want to answer that before I have received confirmed information about what it is about, says Ola Österling.

    The place has been blocked off.

    – There is no danger to third parties.

    Bomb technicians have been called to the scene.

    Update 19.18: The object was harmless, police say.

  • Robert F Kennedy Jr. Become New Health Minister

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. New Health Minister in the United States. Photo: Rod Lamkey / AP

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. Become New Health Minister

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. becomes new health minister in the United States, reports US media.

    The Senate voted through the decision – with 52 votes for and 48 votes against.

  • Uncertain ice after weather change – great caution is required

    Uncertain ice after weather change – great caution is required

    After several drowning accidents at ice activities warns Swedish life -saving company and the Iss Safety Council for uncertain ice conditions.

    Mild weather and rainfall have meant that previously stable ice has melted, frozen and weakened, especially in areas where it is flowing.

    The public is therefore urged to extra caution when staying on the ice until conditions have stabilized.

  • Woman gave birth to daughter in the subway – passengers cut the umbilical cord

    Woman gave birth to daughter in the subway – passengers cut the umbilical cord

    On Wednesday, passengers in New York’s subway got to witness the miracle of life.

    It was on a southbound train in Manhattan that a 25-year-old woman gave birth to a healthy daughter at 11.30 in the morning. It reports the Transport Authority in New York, according to NBC.

    A video from the event that has gone viral shows how passengers help to take care of the newly -released girl.

    Two women on the train even helped to cut the umbilical cord, NBC writes.

    After several passengers alerted the train driver, the train was stopped and the woman could be taken to hospital where she and her daughter are reported to feel good, CBS writes.

  • New weather stations provide better avalanche forecasts

    New weather stations provide better avalanche forecasts

    The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has installed nine new weather stations in the Swedish mountains to improve avalanche forecasts, reports SVT Jämtland.

    One of them is located at the top of Hovdehögen in Bydalsfjällen, where the wind conditions play a crucial role because avalanches are often triggered in high terrain.

    These stations are important both for providing the avalanche forecast service with reliable information and for strengthening the security work in the mountain environment.

  • 200 years old church bell tracelessly disappeared

    200 years old church bell tracelessly disappeared

    Two church bells have been stolen from Hjärtlanda church outside Sävsjö – one of which was almost 200 years old. It reports SVT Jönköping.

    The church pastor Pär Sjöstrand suspects that the bells may already have been melted down, as there is no market to sell them in existing condition.

    The theft was discovered by the church attendant at the beginning of last week, and the incident has been reported to the police.

    New church bells have been ordered to replace the stolen at Hjärtlanda church, according to SVT Jönköping.

  • Man squeezed between truck and passenger car

    Man squeezed between truck and passenger car

    Police have been alerted to Båstad as a man was pinched between two vehicles.

    On his website, the police write that the man who is 50 years old has been squeezed when a passenger car with a trailer has backed.

    The man is taken to hospital by ambulance. His injury situation is currently unknown.

  • Record seizures of drugs in 2024

    Record seizures of drugs in 2024

    The Customs Administration seized record amounts of drugs in Sweden in 2024, where cocaine and drug tablets increased most, reports SVT Skåne.

    A total of up to 1.6 tonnes of cocaine and 4.8 million drug tablets were confiscated, mainly in southern Sweden, which is an important smuggling road for organized crime.

    At the same time, the seizures of cannabis decreased to 6,069 kilos and amphetamine to 780 kilos compared to 2023, but the levels are still historically high.

    A clear trend is that more and more drugs are smuggled via package shipments. The seizure of weapons parts has also increased sharply, especially in southern Sweden.

  • The L profile changes party-leaves the Riksdag

    Robert Hannah changes party. Photo: Aftonbladet

    The L profile changes party-leaves the Riksdag

    L profile Robert Hannah leaves the Riksdag.

    “Thanks the Liberals! Hello Moderates!” he writes in a post on X.

    “For many years I have known an ever stronger attraction to the Moderates’ party culture and right -wing liberal ideology. The party has approached my political views on integration, gang crime and exclusion.”

    Hannah writes that he has chosen to leave the Riksdag to now become a member of the Moderates.

    “It is only the Moderates who fully have the internal support and the ability to address Sweden’s fate issues about segregation, gang crime and radicalization while the party has a requirement but inclusive view of Swedishness”.

  • Scrap mares burn in Uppsala

    Fire on scrap. VMA issued. Photo: Expression Uppsala

    Scrap mares burn in Uppsala

    It is currently burning at a scrap company in central Uppsala.

    – It is scrap hears that are burning. We are on site trying to extinguish the fire, says Christer Wahlström, management operator.

    According to the rescue service, there is no greater risk of spreading.

    – It’s a lot of fire smoke.

    At 16.30 a VMA (important message was issued to the public).

    – Since the fire smoke lands in a residential area, a VMA has been issued, says Christer Wahlström.

    There is no forecast for when the fire will be extinguished.

  • 18-year-old terrorist suspected is arrested

    18-year-old terrorist suspected is arrested

    An 18-year-old man was arrested in central Stockholm on Tuesday suspected of several different terrorist offenses.

    Now he is arrested. His lawyer Johan Åkermark tells TT that the man admitted the arrest.

    In connection with the arrest, Säpo announced that the case concerns violent Islamist extremism.

    The Court also decides that the man should undergo a so-called section 7 examination-a minor mental examination.

    He has been convicted of a number of crimes since before, including blue light sabotage in connection with the Easter Smits in 2022.

  • Suspected of violent plans released

    The suspicions against him have weakened, prosecutor Anna Nilsson told local media.

    The man, who is in his 30s, was arrested on Monday and was later arrested on suspicion of violation of the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act, preparation for general devastation and weapons offenses.

    He was released on Wednesday after forensic technicians made a preliminary assessment of the objects that were seized at the arrest.

    The suspicions of weapons offenses are still being investigated, but are no reason for the man to be detained. The other suspicions remain formally, but are weakened.

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