Fire in industrial premises in Luleå – VMA issued

There is a fire in an industrial building on Murbruksvägen in Storheden in Luleå, reports P4 Norrbotten. According to the emergency services, which are on site, there is heavy smoke. Residents in the area are asked to stay indoors and to close windows, doors and ventilation.

According to SVT Nyheter, the alarm came in to the rescue service at a quarter to nine on Friday morning. The emergency services now have several resources on site, but no ambulance has been sent because there is no information about injuries.

– We have not sent an ambulance because there are no indications of personal injuries. There is of course a certain risk of spread that we try to limit, says Patrik Svensson team leader at SOS Alarm.

The police are also on site to assist the emergency services in their work.

– There is heavy smoke development. We are now assisting on the spot, says Åsa Mjörndal, press spokesperson at police region North.


The company’s communicator: “Terrible to be part of”

VMA issued

A VMA, important public notice, has been issued regarding the fire and people in the area are asked to go indoors and to close doors, windows and ventilation. All entrances around the fire scene are also blocked off, the police write on their website.

The fire broke out in the premises of Lumire Luleå Miljöresurs. On the company’s website, it is announced that no one was injured in connection with the incident, and that the building has now been evacuated.
