Fire in an apartment in Tranås – teenagers are suspected of arson

The fire in an apartment building broke out just after midnight and a large rescue mission with units from Tranås, Boxholm and Aneby was on site as well as ambulances and police. The fire had started in an apartment, but the development of smoke was heavy throughout the house.

– There were people in the apartment when the fire started, but they were able to get out and no one was hurt, says Camilla Larsson, officer on duty at the police Region East to SVT.

Arrested after the search

A couple of hours later, two people suspected of having something to do with the fire were arrested.

– Findings that the police patrol made at the scene led the public prosecutor to decide on a search of another residence, and two boys in their teens were found there. They were arrested and are now suspected of arson, says Larsson.

The police do not want to go into what kind of find it is, or how the fire started. There is also information that a pet has been taken out of the apartment, but Larsson does not know what type of animal it is and how the animal fared.
