Finns still stuck in Gaza – “They have moved further from the border because there has been such a severe shortage of food and water”

Finns still stuck in Gaza They have moved further

The Rafah border crossing was opened today for the first aid transport. Information about the situation of foreigners in Gaza is contradictory.

The US Embassy in Israel said today that the Rafah border crossing could open for foreigners at 10 a.m. today.

Head of Finland’s liaison office in Ramallah Päivi Peltokoski told a week ago that there are some Finns staying in the area. According to Peltokoski, the Finns probably won’t be able to leave Gaza today.

– According to the information I received from the military authorities, people would not be allowed from the Gaza side today. Today, only the first deliveries of humanitarian aid will be made.

According to the ambassador, there is contact with the Finns in Gaza and they are healthy.

– Finns have moved further from the border because there has been such a severe shortage of food and water.

– In addition, Israel has bombed the border area this week and many have felt unsafe, Peltokoski tells by phone.

Peltokoski says that the Israeli military authorities did not give any information on when the Finns could be evacuated.

Gaza on the brink of a humanitarian disaster – water is sold on the streets

Today, the first 20 aid trucks were sent to South Gaza.

– It is very little, because usually 100 aid trucks go to Gaza a day.

The lack of help has led to food being sold on the streets at high prices.

– Some food and water have been available for sale on the free market. However, the prices are really high and not everyone can afford them.

A special permit is required to cross Sinai – the Finnish Embassy in Cairo handles the return

If and when the Finns are finally taken from Gaza, the Finnish Embassy in Cairo will handle the evacuation, says Peltokoski.

– The EU representation in Cairo is currently coordinating with all EU countries that have citizens in the region.

Evacuation is not simple, however, because the Sinai Peninsula is a military area.

– You need special permits to move there. Normal bus transfers are not possible.

Read more about the events in Gaza, Israel and the Middle East here.
