Finnish sailors in top gear – Veera Hokka was excited by the beeping sound | Sport

Finnish sailors in top gear – Veera Hokka was

Ronja Grönblom and Veera Hokka succeeded perfectly in their last start on Monday, despite the challenging conditions.

Joel Sippola,

Riikka Smolander-Slotte,

Riku Porvari

Paris Olympics on channels 26.7.–11.8. Go to the competition website here. You can find the entire program of the games here.

Finns Ronja Grönblom mixed Veera Hokka made a splash on Monday in sailing in the 49er FX class. The duo sailed to a handsome victory in the last or sixth start of the day.

In the kokanee race, the Olympic newcomers took tenth place.

The opening days of the Olympics have been challenging because of the low wind. Departures in different categories have been moved.

The fact that they sailed to victory, even though it was not their favorite weather, says something about the Finnish attacking ability. There was too little wind for their taste.

– This gives good self-confidence. We have focused on mild weather in the summer. That we can succeed even then. It’s nice that it has produced results, Grönblom commented to Urheilu.

Around the middle of the last start of the day, the wind decreased.

– It was quite nerve-wracking when the wind just dies and dies. There’s nothing else to do but to have fun until the end, Hokka admitted.

In sailing, when the winner crosses the finish line, a beeping sound is heard. Hokka enjoyed this moment.

– It’s cool when you cross the finish line and hear that beep. Then came the win, so the feeling is pretty incredible.

In the other starts of the day, Grönblom’s and Hoka’s positions were 10th and 13th. They have a good chance of getting into the top five in the overall race, as we are now halfway through the class.

The difference to the top five is about ten points.

– Hopefully more than half still left. No investment has been locked in yet. It doesn’t help but pull as well as you can one start at a time, Hokka added.
