Finnish national team captain Signeul ducks – DN.SE

Finnish national team captain Signeul ducks DNSE

Maijju Ruotsalainen, former coach of AIK and assistant national team captain in the Finnish national team, went hard on Finland’s Swedish national team captain Anna Signeul on Wednesday.

– There is an awareness about what is happening, but no one reacts. Then it is better that you continue elsewhere and invest in what you stand for, she said in EPN’s EC studio and continued:

– For me, it was about me becoming a mother a couple of years ago and that my boss related to it in a certain way, they were disappointed with my decision, she says.

Read also: Signeul’s leadership criticized: “No one reacts”

At Thursday’s press conference, the day before the European Championship premiere against Spain, Signeul was asked how she views the turnover of the national team’s coach, where several have left under Signeul’s leadership.

– Marco Casagrande (Secretary General of the Finnish Football Association) has already commented on this question, so I want him to answer further questions about this, says Signeul according to the news agency STT.

– We want to focus at the tournament now. This is a great opportunity to promote Finnish women’s football.

Casagrande responded to Ruotsalainen’s criticism on Wednesday.

– We took her views seriously. It was obvious that there had unfortunately been a deep lack of trust between them, he told Ilta-Sanomat.

In addition to Spain, Finland will also face Denmark and Germany in the group stage.
