Finlogic, finalized the acquisition of 51% of ASE

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(Finance) – Finlogica company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the Information Technology sector, ha signed the deed for the acquisition of 51% of ASEfollowing the announcement of the transaction on 30 May 2022. The acquired company has been active in the field of industrial automation for over twenty years, with its own experience linked in particular to printing, applying and reading the label (or tag).

The pricetotaling 255 thousand euroswas paid today by Finlogic, pro-quota to the selling shareholders for 205 thousand euros, while the remainder will be paid, in full, by 30 June 2023.

As of today they are verified the conditions precedent contractually envisaged, in addition to the release of the guarantees agreed upon during signing. In order to ensure continuity in management, all current managers who will continue to perform the same duties will remain involved in operational governance.
