Finland’s pik against Sweden: “We set it up”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

When it became clear that Finland would have to face Sweden, the Finnish daily newspaper slammed Ilta-Sanomat with “dream resistance” in the title.

“We thank you for that and set it up,” says Tomas Montén at a digital press conference.

The Czech Republic’s resounding win against the USA (4–2) was rescheduled for the semi-finals. Finland will not have to face the home favorite Canada and instead it will be a prestigious Nordic meeting in Edmonton on the night of Saturday.

Raise the attacking game

Ilta-Sanomat columnist Aki-Petteri Pulkkinen has confirmed that Finland will win JVM gold for the first time since 2019.

“If they think they’re going to win, they’ll have to believe it, then we’ll have to play it again,” says Montén.

The Swedish attacking game has been weak and before the meeting with Finland, the level must be raised.

— We have nothing left to lose. Now we are the underdogs and everything points to Finland and Canada settling for the gold, but we will make it as tough as possible and it will be tough.

Montén finds strength in previous losses against Finland.

— The advantage is that we met them before and lost against them. We then get some free stuff about what we did well and what we need to do differently.

“Now you are where you want to be”

Tomas Montén ends as national team captain after the season. A post he’s had since 2016. This is his last chance to win a gold for Sweden, and it’s something he’s thinking about.

— Now you are where you want to be. If you’ve had the chance so many times, you want to go all the way and that’s all that counts now. Now we know that there are two games left and that it is two wins that count.
