Finland’s Anastasia Kulikova loses in the French Open qualifiers

Kulikovas tasty victory in first place in the qualifiers

Kulikova would have won the French Open.

19.5. 16:37 • Updated May 19th. 16:37

Tennis player Anastasia Kulikova was short of victory for the first main place in the career in the grand slam tournament when Belgium Ysaline Bonaventure won the last qualifying round of the Finnish match. Bonaventure’s profit figures were 6–4, 6–2. Kulikova is ranked 193th in the singles world list and Bonaventure is 170th.

Kulikova immediately lost his feed in the opening round, but tightened to levels by breaking the Belgian feed. However, the game was settled after Kulikova lost her pass in the tenth game of the game. In the second installment, Bonaventure escaped to lead 5-0 and Kulikova no longer had a division to win. Bonaventure thus advanced to the main series.

Kulikova reached the qualifying final by beating the Cypriot Raluca Serbanin as well as Russian Anastasia Potapovanwhich is 78th on the world list.

The last time a Finnish female player was in the main series of the grand Slam singles 2007 was when Emma Laine played in the French Open.
