Finland will become a NATO member tomorrow

Finland will become a NATO member tomorrow

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Updated: Just now

Finland will become an official member of NATO on Tuesday.

Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announces this at a press conference in Brussels.

– This also makes Sweden safer, says Stoltenberg.

Finland will become a member of the NATO defense alliance on Tuesday. This is stated by the President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, in a press release.

A welcoming ceremony will be held in Brussels to welcome the country into the defense alliance.

In addition to the president, the country’s foreign minister will also be present
Pekka Haavisto and Defense Minister Antti Kaikkonen to participate during the ceremony.

“A historic week”

The announcement is confirmed by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during a press conference on Monday.

– This is a historic week. Tomorrow we welcome Finland to become NATO’s 31st member. Finland becomes safer and our alliance becomes stronger. We will raise Finland’s flag for the first time outside NATO headquarters, Stoltenberg says, reports Swedish EPN.

He also states that Finnish membership will have a positive impact on Sweden’s security situation.

– This also makes Sweden safer, says Stoltenberg.

Turkey was the last member state to ratify Finland’s membership.

On Saturday, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan signed the country’s parliament’s decision on Saturday.

According to Stoltenberg, Turkey will deliver the ratification documents to the US in Brussels on Tuesday, and after that Finland will deliver its accession documents.

– After that, Finland will be a full member of the alliance, says Stoltenberg.
