Finland rejects rumor of Russian airships

Finland rejects rumor of Russian airships



full screen A closed border crossing between Finland and Russia, here at Villmanstrand. Archive image. Photo: Sergei Grits/AP/TT

Russia monitors the border with Finland with airships. This is reported by several Russian media, information that has spread in Finland.

However, Finnish border authorities tone down the information.

The balloon-like oblong aircraft will then patrol Russian Karelia on Thursday, reports Ilta-Sanomat, among other things. But Finnish border authorities say they have not observed any airships.

– We have patrols out in the terrain around the clock. We have neither seen these airships ourselves nor received any observations of them from the public, says Kimmo Gromoff at Southeastern Finland’s border guard section to Hufvudstadsbladet.

The newspaper writes that, according to the Russian state-controlled newspaper Rossiiskaja Gazeta, among other things, the airships monitor and control illegal immigration to Finland and convey data on possible violations in real time.

– What Russia deals with on the Russian side of the border is their business. There, they can basically do what they want, notes Gromoff and says that there is no reason to be worried.

– The situation is very calm at the border. We have a lot of resources out in the field 24 hours a day and follow the situation carefully.

On Wednesday, information that Russia is planning to move its sea border towards Finland and Lithuania caused quite a stir. The next day, it was reported that Russia’s border guards removed 24 buoys from Estonian waters in the Narva River, which forms the border between Estonia and Russia.
