Finland opened the Silver League with an easy win | Sport

Finland opened the Silver League with an easy win

Daniela Öhman was the most effective Finnish women’s volleyball player.

On Thursday, as expected, Finland defeated Luxembourg 3–0 (25–7, 25–19, 25–9), when the women’s national volleyball team started its Silver League home tournament in Tampere. On Saturday, the opposition will get tougher, when Portugal, ranked above Finland, will meet.

The head coach Nicholas Buser gave playing time to other than the starting six starting from the second set. Puijo Wolley’s center player from Lappeenranta is one of the three debutants Taija Tikka played the most. He came from the start of the second period Netta Rekolan in place of.

– I didn’t know in advance that I would get playing time. It went well, although of course you can always improve. I got over the tension of the opening match well, Tikka said.

Tikka scored seven points. He served one of the team’s ten aces, made two saves and scored four points without offensive errors.

The most effective player was a central player belonging to an experienced guard Daniela Öhman with 12 points. He is one of the four players in the team who played in the previous two EC tournaments. The others are bullshit Kaisa Alankolibero Netta Laaksonen and a chipper Yasmine Madsen.

– The goals were achieved, i.e. a three-set game and playing time for the debutants. The run-in of the new lineup began here. The last time I played an official game was about a month ago, Öhman said.
