Finland and the rest of Europe would light up the buildings blue-yellow to show solidarity with Ukraine

Finland and the rest of Europe would light up the

Several cities around the world showed support for Ukraine by illuminating buildings and landmarks with the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine, which began on Thursday morning, has aroused great sympathy for Ukraine and its citizens.

The Foreign Ministry’s Sea Barracks in Helsinki was illuminated blue-yellow on Thursday. The lighting shows solidarity with Ukraine. Finland strongly supports Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Foreign Ministry says on Twitter.

Helsinki City Hall

Helsinki City Hall also received the blue-yellow lighting of the Ukrainian flag on Thursday evening. In the beginning, the city wants to show its support for Ukraine and the Ukrainians.

– By lighting the town hall, we want to show that our thoughts are now with the Ukrainians and that the Ukrainians living in Helsinki are also in our minds, says the mayor Juhana Vartiainen In the City of Helsinki press release.

Tampereen Tammerkoski

The colors of Ukraine have also beautifully illuminated the surroundings of Tammerkoski in Tampere. You can watch the lighting until Sunday. Kiev has been a twin city of Tampere since 1954. Mayor of Tampere Anna-Kaisa Ikonen sent on Thursday a letter to the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitshkolle. In the letter, he expresses his support for the people of Kiev.

Oslo City Hall

The Prime Minister of Norway Jonas Gahr Støre strongly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Thursday.

– Russia has full responsibility for pushing Europe into this grim situation. Russia must immediately end the attack and respect Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity, Støre said.

Arc de Triomphe, Brussels

The Arc de Triomphe, located in the Jubelpark in Brussels, was illuminated on Thursday night to show support for Ukraine.

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin

The Berlin landmark was illuminated with the colors of the Ukrainian flag as a sign of solidarity with Ukraine. The audience arrived to sing together.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholzin according to the Russian military operation in Ukraine is a flagrant violation of international law.

– This is a shocking day for Ukraine and a gloomy day for Europe, Scholz said in a statement on Thursday.

Downing Street, London

In London, the façade of the British Prime Minister’s official residence was also illuminated on Thursday night.

Prime minister Boris Johnson commented Thursday that the Russian president Vladimir Putin has chosen the “path of bloodshed and destruction” by launching an unprovoked attack.

Lisbon City Hall

Dozens of Ukrainians gathered at Lisbon’s illuminated town hall on Thursday to show their support to the people in the country.

Florence and Turin

La Fontana del Nettuno, or “Fountain of Neptune” in the central square of Florence, Italy, was illuminated yellow-blue.

In Turin, on the other hand, a building called Mole Antonelliana was illuminated.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Northern Macedonia, Skopje

The Foreign Ministry building was illuminated in Skopje, the capital of northern Macedonia.

You can discuss the topic on 26.2. until 11 p.m.

The matter was corrected on 25.2. 7.18: Corrected place of the Arc de Triomphe in Brussels.
