Finland and Britain sign a declaration on strategic partnership | Foreign countries

Finland and Britain sign a declaration on strategic partnership

Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen (co.k.) will meet British Foreign Minister David Cameron in London today.

Foreign minister Elina Valtonen (cok.) is visiting London today. During the visit, Valtonen will meet the British Foreign Minister David Cameron’sand the ministers sign a statement on the strategic partnership between Finland and Great Britain.

– The strategic partnership strengthens the wide-ranging cooperation between Finland and Great Britain, which is based on common interests and values. It is important for us to strengthen cooperation in the field of security and defense, but also in other fields, says Foreign Minister Valtonen in the press release of the Finnish Embassy.

The strategic partnership between Finland and Great Britain deepens and promotes multidisciplinary cooperation in global issues, the economy, security and defense, among other things.

The ministers will also discuss supporting Ukraine and Gaza, as well as the far-reaching effects of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine on the security situation in Europe.

Russia is the most significant threat to European stability

According to the press release of the British Foreign Ministry, the statement to be signed shows the countries’ effort to cooperate in solving global security challenges and to support Ukraine until the war is won. In the declaration to be signed today, Finland and Great Britain declare Russia to be the most significant and direct threat to the peace and stability of Europe.

– While supporting Ukraine together by, among other things, providing military aid and training, we have a common understanding that the threat of Russian aggression after the war it started will not be tolerated, British Foreign Minister David Cameron says in a press release from the British Foreign Ministry.

The joint statement highlights how Russia’s full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine has fundamentally changed Europe’s security environment. It emphasizes the importance of bilateral partnership in countering Russian disinformation and malicious cyber activity and supporting Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction.

The declaration also outlines the countries’ joint effort to increase cooperation in the field of science and technology, trade and investments, and in the fight against illegal immigration.
