SamsunYeşim (22) and Caner (26) Flag couple who live in Bafra district of Aylin Bayrak, the 23rd week of pregnancy weighing 400 grams’ finger baby‘as he was born. 28 inches and immediately VM Medical Park Samsun Hospital Newborn Intensive care Aylin Bebek, who was being treated in the Service, was viewed with interest by specialist doctors and experienced nurses. Yeşim and Caner Bayrak waited for 4 months of treatment, hope and patiently waited for their babies to end their treatment. As a result of the treatment, the family lived their babies happiness. Aylin, who is discharged by health, weighs about 3 kilograms.
“A process that requires patience”
Mother Yeşim Bayrak, who had his child, “My baby was born as premature. It came very early. It was a very challenging process. A situation that requires patience and labor. God, be pleased with our teachers. Our nurses looked like a mother. I always researched and prayed.”
Father Caner Bayrak (26), “It was a very difficult process. It lasted 4 months. Mashallah there is no health problem at the moment. Health workers did more than they can,” he said.
“Our sleepless nights, we had moments we waited until the morning”
Providing information about the baby’s process, Child Health and Diseases Specialist. Halit Imdat, “Unfortunately, the baby of a young family was born for 23 weeks for unwanted reasons. He was born in 400 grams. Our baby is a baby ‘extreme premature’.
The wars succeeded. He stuck tightly into the hands of doctors and nurses with ten fingers. It has successfully survived this process today and has become ready to go home as 3 thousand grams. Care of excessive premature babies is a really difficult and tedious process. These babies can look at these babies in an environment where there is a technically equipped and cumulative team. It is technically equipped in our hospital and is experienced and successful in our newborn team. We had very sleepless nights in this challenging process. There were moments we waited until the morning. Our little fighter also supported us. I would like to say to families who have a premature baby or want to have a baby. There are teams with very beautiful, technical equipped, experienced doctors and nurses in Türkiye. So don’t be afraid. Your babies are sure of their hands. “
“272 out of 550 babies were born as prematurely”
Newborn Intensive Care Exp. Dr. Lecturer. Member Didem Cemile Yeşilırmak said, “Newborn intensive care units are one of the most critical units of our hospitals and continues to serve 24/7.
When we look at the data of 2024, we found about 550 baby hospitalization and 272 of these babies were infants who were born in premature under 500 grams. We successfully discharged a large part of these babies. So we wanted to emphasize the importance of experienced and good care unit especially here, “he said.