Finding the truth becomes easier in Google Images

Finding the truth becomes easier in Google Images

A feature announced at the beginning of the year has finally started to be put into use. This way finding the truth on Google Images it gets easier.

Google Images It is now a tool that can provide a lot of information about the details of the photographs in it.About this picture” option is added. The company says the following about this feature, which is currently only available to those who use Google in English: conveys: “The system gives people an easy way to check the reliability and content of images they see online. Here’s exactly what you can discover with this tool:

History of an image: You can see when an image or similar images may have been first seen/crawled/saved by Google Search and whether it has been previously published on other web pages. If an image is taken out of context and shared in relation to a current event, it becomes easier to find it with this system.


How other sites use and describe the image: You can see how an image is used on other pages and what other sources, such as news and fact-checking sites, report about the selected image. This information will be useful for evaluating claims made about an image and seeing evidence and perspectives from other sources.

“Meta” data of an image: You will be able to see the metadata added to the image (this data may not have been added or deleted) along with signs that will indicate that it was created or enhanced by artificial intelligence. “All images created by Google with artificial intelligence will have special markup.”
