Find out how old your face is with a selfie

Find out how old your face is with a selfie

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    The face is the part of the body where you can see the effects of time. Thanks to a tool developed using artificial intelligence, it is now possible to know the age of your face just by taking a selfie. Explanations.

    How old is my face? To answer this question, longevity experts from New York have developed a tool to estimate the age of one’s face. For this, they used artificial intelligence, developed by the longevity company NOVOS.

    Chronological age revealed by a selfie?

    To create this tool, experts provided artificial intelligence with the human faces of 12 million people. Then, to estimate the age of a face using a selfie, the AI ​​takes into account six factors: age of the eyes, bags under the eyes, wrinkles, pores and redness and facial uniformity.

    Subsequently, users must upload a photo of themselves to the site and fill in their email to obtain their result in a few minutes. It is requested that the photo be clear with the face in the center for the result to be optimal.

    “While accurate in most cases, it’s not perfect”said the NOVOS company talking about its tool before specifying, “Please don’t take it personally.”

    However, to use the tool, you must be at least 35 years old. For what ? According to experts, people who are too young using this tool will potentially get an estimate before their chronological age (the number of years a person has been alive) because the tool is not calibrated for this target. age.

    A tool that is not perfect and that creates complexes?

    The NOVOS company warns that its tool has flaws. Indeed, poor lighting, camera quality, camera angle, lack of sleep or dehydration can distort the result.

    In summary, Stacy Liberatore, Associate Science Editor at explains having used this tool. Result, she received a score for her bags under the eyes and her wrinkles which did not satisfy her. “I was looking at pictures of myself the other day before I had a child and my face looks so young and the cheekbones are high,” she said before adding “but now I have bags under the eyes and wrinkles, and it’s just awful. Thanks for ruining my whole day.”

    Following the discovery of these results, she went directly to a store to buy “a ton of face creams.”

    For others, such as Dr. Robert Lufkin, the tool estimated his facial age at 50 when he was almost 70. The AI ​​also made an estimate for the age of his eyes at 53. “Maybe I shouldn’t be smiling so much,” Dr. Robert Lufkin said of his eye wrinkles for the DailyMail.But I think it’s worth having three more years to be able to freely express your happiness.“, concludes the scientist.

    And you, are you ready to try it?
