Fincantieri returns in profit for 27 million euros in 2024. Record of acquired orders

The 2025 calendar of Fincantieri corporate events

(Finance) – FincantieriItalian giant with public control active in the naval shipbuilding sector, closed 2024 with revenues Increased to 8,128 million euros (+6.2% compared to 2023), thanks in particular to the excellent performance in the “offshore and special ships” and “systems, components and infrastructures” sectors, which close 2024 with revenues increasing by 28% and 36% respectively. Marginality is growing strongly, with a Ebitda which reaches 509 million euros, increased by 28% compared to 2023, and a Ebitda margin 6.3% (5.2% in 2023). The operating result It is positive for 27 million euros (negative for 53 million in 2023).

On the commercial front, the group has acquired a record level of New orders In 2024, for a total value of 15.4 billion euros, a more than double value compared to 2023, pulled in particular by the performance of the Shipbuilding segment. The backlog It stands at 31 billion, an increase of 34% compared to December 2023, with a total workload (corresponding to the sum of Backlog and Soft Backlog) equal to 51.2 billion (6.3 times the revenues of 2024), supported by a strong commercial push in all sectors of the group’s activity.

At 31 December 2024, the Net financial position (PFN) It is equal to 1,281 million euros, improving compared to 2023 (2,271). Excluding the temporary benefit deriving from the capital increase to support the acquisition of Wass the debt relationship (Pfn/Ebitda) is equal to 3.3x, better than the 4.5 – 5.0x guidance provided in November 2024, and strongly in advance on the deleveraging course for 2024 scheduled for the industrial plan 2023-27 (6.0 – 7.0x).

THE target scheduled for 2025with the consolidation of Remazel and Wass, they are: revenues at around Euro 9 billion, Ebitda Margin over 7%, debt ratio (PFN/Ebitda) in line with 2024, a positive net profit.
