Fincantieri launches a share buyback program

Fincantieri launches a share buyback program

(Finance) – Fincantieri announced that June 15, 2022 will be given launch of the own share buyback program for the sole purpose of the incentive plan called “Performance Share Plan 2019-2021” aimed at the management of the Company approved by the Shareholders ‘Meeting of 11 May 2018, to be carried out using the safe harbor in execution and in compliance with the resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting Shareholders of May 16, 2022.

The Program, which will last from 15 to 24 June 2022, will have as its object a maximum number of shares Fincantieri equal to 2,000,000, corresponding to approximately 0.12% of the Company’s share capital. The potential outlay connected to the execution of the Program is estimated at approximately 1,027,000 euros.

For the purposes of carrying out the program, Fincantieri has appointed an authorized intermediary who will take decisions regarding purchases in full independence.

As of today, the Company holds 3,012,414 treasury shares, equal to 0.18% of the share capital.

Meanwhile, in Milan, the main shipbuilding complex in the world extends earnings compared to the previous session, settling at 0.542 euros.
