Finance For Food Towards Listing on Euronext Growth Milan

Stock Exchange SYS DAT first day of trading 74

(Telestock) – Finance For Food has started the process for the listing on Euronext Growth Milan (EGM)the Borsa Italiana market dedicated to SMEs with high growth potential. Admission is scheduled for August 1, 2024, with the debut at Piazza Affari in the following days. EnVent Italia SIM is the Euronext Growth Advisor (EGA), WITH SIM the Specialist.

It’s about a industrial and strategic consulting firm active in Italy, established in 2016 to provide general advisory services, in particular with an initial specialization in the entire supply chain agri-food sector and related sectors, as well as subsequently also in the sector of alternative and renewable energy sources and in venture capital.

The activities refer to the following business lines: (i) “Investment Advisory”, which consists in the provision of consultancy services to third parties such as asset managers, SGRs, fund managers and private and institutional promoters in relation to the structuring of investment projects implemented by the same; (ii) “Business Advisory“, relating to consultancy services aimed at companies operating in the reference sectors (i.e., primarily, in the agri-food, energy and venture capital sectors), aimed at optimising the strategic planning and management of clients’ businesses, both in financial and industrial terms; and (iii) “Corporate Finance Advisory“, relating to specialist consultancy services in the design and execution of extraordinary finance operations (acquisitions, mergers, IPOs, partnerships, etc.).

The Board of Directors It is composed of 5 members: Alessandro Squeri (Chairman of the Board of Directors), Francesco Berti (Chief Executive Officer), Maria Mazzarella (Director), Virginia Filippi (Director), Cecilia Martire (Independent Director).

L’shareholding before admission is composed of: Tredici Srl with 65.51% of the ordinary shares and 81.85% of the voting rights; Francesco Gianni with 16.90% of the ordinary shares and 8.89% of the voting rights; Spag Srl (a company attributable to Arturo Semerari) with 7.60% of the ordinary shares and 4.00% of the voting rights; Lefin Holdings Srl (a company attributable to Marco Bassetti and Giovanni Luschi) with 5.00% of the ordinary shares and 2.63% of the voting rights; other shareholders with holdings of less than 5% with 4.99% of the ordinary shares and 2.63% of the voting rights. Tredici Srl is legally controlled by Paolo Bordi; Tredici Srl’s shareholding is held directly for 48.61% and indirectly for the remaining 16.90% through its 100% subsidiary Valdichiesa Srl.

The company reports that there are 500,000 multiple voting shares (10 votes for each share), not subject to admission to trading, owned by Tredici Srl, convertible into ordinary shares in the ratio of 1 ordinary share for every 1 multiple-voting share.
