Finally the UFO was shot down

Finally the UFO was shot down

“Is there? Isn’t there?” Four UFOs were shot down over the United States and Canada while we were pondering these questions. Are they coming?

There is a point that many of us overlook because earthquakes form our agenda. four different locations in the USA and Canada. UFO shot down. Moreover, this time, the source of the explanation was not by those who produced conspiracy theories, but by state administrators and institutions.

It is also thought that the fourth object, which was dropped in a period of a week, may be vehicles produced for espionage purposes, since it flies near sensitive military areas in the USA. But his mobility also supports the view that he might be an alien.

Four UFOs shot down in the Americas

The last UFO was shot down over Lake Huron, Michigan, at 2:42 p.m. local time on Sunday at the behest of US President Biden. An F-16 jet fired a missile at approximately 20,000 feet, squeezing the vehicle in airspace over the lake near the Canadian border, fearing that its altitude and flight path might endanger civilian aircraft. Work continues to retrieve the vehicle that was dropped into Lake Huron.

The fact that US Air Force general Glen VanHerck admitted that they did not know what the last objects dropped were or how they stayed in the air indicates that the vehicles do not use known technology.

I don’t know why, but is there a reason why UFOs always go to America?
