Finally summer time! Here is the precise date and schedule of the rocking

Finally summer time Here is the precise date and schedule

France is going at summer time. Here is when and how to do not go wrong with the time change.

The transition to summer time is imminent. France and all the countries of the European Union change time this weekend, but when precisely? The rocking is carried out on the night of Saturday March 29 to Sunday 30 March. It is very exactly Sunday, March 30, at 2 a.m. that the legal time spends directly at 3 a.m. This very simple mechanism advances the time of our clocks and also reduces, consequently, the duration of this day at 11 p.m., by making the shortest of the year.

As every year, the passage to summer time comes on the last Sunday in March, forcing the inhabitants of the European Union to advance their one -hour clocks. This time change, synonymous with shortened sleep, is often perceived as more difficult than that establishing the winter time. Indeed, studies suggest that winter time corresponds more to our organic clock, promoting better quality rest.

Nevertheless, the summer time offers an appreciated advantage: longer and brighter evenings, allowing you to enjoy more natural light at the end of the day. To easily memorize this transition, remember this trick: “move forward in March, go back in October”. The “A” of Mars recalls that we are moving the hour, while the “re” of October indicates that it is awarding it. A simple way to no longer be mistaken!

Simple explanations: the transition to summer time in an image

When do the following time changes in France take place?

  • Winter time change 2025 : Sunday October 26, 2025, at 3:00 am it is automatically 2:00
  • Summer time change 2026 : Sunday March 29, 2026, at 2:00 am it is automatically 3:00
  • Winter time change 2026 : Sunday 25 October 2026, at 3:00 am it is automatically 2:00

Questions / Answers

How does the time change impact animals?

Can the time change affect your animals? Our little animals can indeed feel it, especially when they are stalled on our own rhythm. We know for example that dairy cows are disturbed by time changes. Farmers recall that they are sometimes more aggressive at the time of milking, which can have consequences on the quality of milk. As for cats and dogs, they can claim their food earlier if their bowl is empty!

Does the time change take place at the same time in all EU countries?

France has changed time every year since 1975, following the oil shock of 1973-1974. It should be noted that in overseas, the time change does not apply, except in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. Within the European Union, the time change dates were harmonized in 1998. In all member countries, the transition to winter time has been made since the last Sunday in October; The passage to summer time on the last Sunday in March.

Do we change time all over the world this weekend?

Seasonal timetable changes are applied in around sixty countries. The measurement is sometimes heterogeneously implemented throughout certain territories due to their dimensions, as for Canada, the United States or Brazil. Other countries have made the decision to abandon seasonal time changes: Turkey, Russia, Argentina, Egypt, Tunisia, Ukraine, Armenia …

If we stayed at summer time all year round, what time would the sun rise in winter?

If summer time was chosen by France, at what hours would the sun rise and would go to bed in winter according to the region? The differences would be large between the east and the west of France. On December 21, the shortest day of the year, the sun would rise at 9:41 am in Paris, and 10:06 am in Brest. In Strasbourg, the day would point at 9:18 am and Nice at 9:01 am. Notable differences that could affect the decision concerning the end of the time change in France. Recall that if the French consulted by the National Assembly have mainly acclaimed the summer time, France has not yet made a decision.

Learn more

Why do we change time in France in March and October?

The change in winter and summer time as we know it today has been established by decree In 1975, following the oil shock. It is then a question of establishing an hour of summer at GMT+2, two hours of lag with natural time, from the following month. Objective: better coincide natural lighting and human activities from spring, to save energy.

The end of March is then chosen to coincide with the spring equinox, synonymous with return of sunny days and days that extend. The return to the “normal” time (evening GMT+1) is logically fixed on the contrary as the fall equinox approaches, at the end of October. The weekend and in particular the night from Saturday to Sunday will quickly appear as the moment when the immediate impact of the time change will be the most limited.

It was the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) that initiated the seasonal time change, as a government agency responsible for ensuring the optimization of the energy bill. In a 2010 summarythe organization still estimated at 440 GWh the economy carried out the previous year thanks to the time change.

The time change was harmonized on a European scale in 1998 and is today applied by all EU member states and 70 countries in total. However, he has been strongly controversial for years. Its detractors point above all, too limited energy gains, a fortiori with the evolution of technologies and uses, as well as negative effects on health, sleep and road safety.

Please note: it is important to note that certain French regions, such as the overseas departments, do not change time. For example, in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, the time change does not apply. If you live in one of these regions or if you plan to get there, find out about local specificities.

Is the last 2025 summer time change the last?

No, the change of summer time 2025 is not the last. In March 2019, after consultation, the European Parliament adopted a majority project To end the time change, but it will not be implemented for several years. The said project of directive provided for an abolition of the quick time change: to do this, each member state had to decide between staying in winter or staying in summer time. The European Parliament had also argued for coordination between the member states and the European Commission so that the application of permanent hours (winter and summer) in the different countries does not disrupt the functioning of the internal market.

The directive was to be adopted by the Council at the end of 2020, then transposed by the member states, underlines the official public life site. Only, because of the health crisis linked to the COVID-19, from Brexit, then to the upheavals caused by the war in Ukraine, without forgetting the hesitations of European leaders, the text in question on the end of the change of time is no longer on the agenda “and should not be discussed in the near future,” concludes the site of the French administration.

And once put back on the table, the debates should be long: “It is up to each Member State to decide the legal time that it wishes to adopt” thus confirmed the European Commission in Euronews In the fall of 2022. If the majority of French people expressed their weariness in the face of time change and their desire to end it, the debate on the time zone to be adopted remains open. According to the consultation conducted by the National Assembly in 2019, 59% of respondents expressed their preference for the permanent summer time, which would make it possible to enjoy longer light evenings. However, some public health experts warn against this option, arguing that permanent summer time could disrupt sleep cycles and have health consequences.
