final straight line for Joe Biden, in a meeting in Miami before the midterm elections

final straight line for Joe Biden in a meeting in

Seven days before the vote for the midterm elections, the American president, rather discreet in this campaign, was at a meeting in Miami. A trip to support the Democratic candidates left behind by the Republicans for the posts of senator and governor. In 2020, Joe Biden had won Florida, but this southern state is leaning more and more to the right today.

Joe Biden takes the stage in Miami in front of a sparse audience. The American president comes to support Democratic candidates lagging behind in the polls, but he himself fails to fill a university gymnasium, reports our correspondent in Miami, David Thomson.

But Joe Biden remains their last hope, said Jack, a 73-year-old Cuban-born hairdresser, worried by the rise of Trumpist Republicans in his state: “ I’ve seen Watergate, assassinations, impeachments, but I’ve never been through such a scary time for democracy in my life. The right is completely out of control. Joe Biden has the experience and I don’t see anyone else coming to our rescue ! »

Barack Obama to mobilize troops in Pennsylvania

This election is not a referendum on his person, insists Biden who knows he is unpopular, it is a choice, he says, between two very different visions of America. But this message of defense of democracy will not be enough to make people forget inflation, fears Theo, a recently naturalized Venezuelan who will vote for the first time in the United States next Tuesday. ” He didn’t really do such a good job. The price of gas is too high and the economy is in pretty bad shape. »

Vote, vote, vote “, replies Joe Biden, who still hopes to reduce the Republican lead to a week before the vote. The Democratic Party has also called for help from former President Barack Obama and his undeniable oratorical talents to mobilize his troops. The former and current Democratic presidents are to appear together on Saturday for a rally in Pennsylvania, a hotly contested state.

Generation Z voting

At the same time, a recent poll by the National Society of High School Scholars shows that Generation Z, young people born after 1996, will vote in the midterm elections, at more than 85%. This is the most wanted group of voters today. In 2024, Generation Z and Millennials, born after 1981, will represent the majority of voters.

Most of these young people are already fed up with the political system as it exists.

Report – In Houston, the vote of Generation Z

Read also: In the United States, an extremely polarized country for the midterm elections

(And with AFP)
