Final Fantasy 16: release date, trailer… State of Play announcements

Final Fantasy 16 release date trailer… State of Play announcements

After just under two years of radio silence, Final Fantasy XVI finally revealed itself in Sony’s recent State of Play. The opportunity for Square Enix to show us everything that this titanic RPG conceals.

[Mis à jour le 3 juin 2022 à 10h33] After just under twelve months without news, Final Fantasy XVI has finally come out of its lair. Square Enix’s flagship RPG has announced itself in a State of Play from Sony, showing us the full potential of this ultimate opus on Playstation 5. But that’s not all, in addition to a trailer, a window release and new information, Square Enix offered us a complete blog article to inform us of the progress of the game. We can learn that the game is almost playable but still requires a few small adjustments here and there, good news for all fans of the franchise who have been waiting for this sequel for a while. We summarize the essentials for you.

A new trailer

A major novelty at the beginning of June: new images of Final Fantasy XVI. Called “Dominance”, this short sequence teaches us a little more about the plot of this sixteenth opus. We can discover some images of the medieval fantasy world of Valisthéa, which will welcome our protagonists in an adventure of titanic proportions. We can also learn more about the “Primordials”, these gigantic creatures linked to certain characters whose faces we also discovered last night. You can learn more about blog post (in English) from Playstation.

But that’s not all, we also had the right to a message from Hiroshi Takai, the director of the game: “To start, allow me to apologize for making you wait so long for new information on Final Fantasy XVI. But the good news is that the game is finally here! In our new trailer, we show you new Eikons, as well as a look at our new action-packed combat system and the freedom it offers the player. And regarding the development progress of the game, I’m happy to report that it’s fully playable from scratch, but still needs optimization and tweaks. There is still a mountain of challenges ahead as we enter the final phase of our work. In the meantime stay tuned, we will do our best not to keep you waiting too long for new information.

New gameplay features

At the center of the plot of this new Final Fantasy, we find the Eikons, these creatures of colossal power controlled by Dominants. Yes, because in Valisthéa, humans can become masters of titans, and take advantage of their power to influence the world around them. In the new Final Fantasy trailer above, we’re introduced to two new characters, both Dominants from “Primordials.” Benedicta Harman and Hugo Kupka played their respective powers to gain influential positions in the kingdom. And their opposition could be of titanic proportions. We were also able to see new combat sequences which confirm that the action will take place in real time and not turn-based so dear to the franchise.

What is the release date for Final Fantasy XVI?

Failing to provide us with an exact release date during Sony’s recent State of Play, Square Enix offers a window. The game is scheduled for summer 2023 on Playstation 5 only. Difficult to include the PS4 in the equation of this titanic RPG, which may require technical skills to match its ambitions. In any case, the first visuals of Final Fantasy XVI are quite impressive, and show PS5’s ability to deliver top-tier performance. Hoping that by the summer of 2023, it will be available for all those who wish to obtain it.
