Filter coffee benefits: Does drinking filter coffee every day weaken?

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In terms of coffee consumption, filter coffee is at the top of almost all lists. People who have made healthy living a lifestyle, people who do sports and gourmet people mostly prefer filter coffee. When filter coffee is made with the paper filter method, which is among the reasons for preference, it is thought to be healthier and more beneficial than varieties such as french press or espresso.

Filter coffee is a coffee prepared by grinding coffee beans to a certain thickness or fineness, putting them in various filters and passing them over hot water. It is healthier to use a paper filter or french press when making filter coffee. In filter coffee, it is healthier and lighter due to the separation of the coffee from the grounds. The caffeine content is also lower than espresso and Turkish coffee.

What is the use of drinking filter coffee every day?

Filter coffee can be beneficial for human health when consumed carefully and in sufficient quantities, apart from invigorating, sobering and providing vitality. However, although it can be beneficial, it can be addictive because it contains caffeine, and this can harm the person. The benefits of filter coffee, which has not become addictive and consumed consciously, are as follows:

  • Filter coffee is thought to be effective in cardiovascular diseases. In this context, filter coffee can reduce the risk of premature death when consumed consciously.
  • Unfiltered coffee contains phytochemicals that raise cholesterol. This effect is less in filtered coffees. People with high cholesterol can consume filter coffee more easily.
  • Although filter coffee is not as effective as weight control and exercise in cardiovascular disorders, it has a significant effect on all three. Consciously drinking filter coffee can be effective in both weight control and more effective sports, while at the same time it can be effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Drinking unfiltered coffee can increase cholesterol intake. This directly affects human health negatively. The residue and oils released when boiling coffee directly affect cholesterol. Another reason for its direct effect is the kahweol and cafetol in the oily part of the coffee, namely the diterpene part. These fats can enter the intestines and block the receptors that regulate cholesterol absorption there. In this case, drinking unfiltered coffee can cause cholesterol to rise. In filtered coffee, these deposits and oils are filtered and affect cholesterol less.

Filter coffee can have beneficial effects on cholesterol and the cardiovascular system. In addition, as a result of some studies, it is thought that filter coffee may have positive effects on some types of cancer. Thanks to the fact that coffee is anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic, it is thought to reduce the effects of liver, mouth and prostate cancers. However, as a result of the benefits of filter coffee, the drinking of filter coffee should not be increased or exaggerated. Everything should be taken in a dose and in sufficient amount, if taken in excess, it will do more harm than good.

How much filter coffee should be consumed per day?

If the person does not have any health problems, they can drink 1 or 2 cups of coffee filter or Turkish coffee a day. Although it is said that consuming 4 cups of black filter coffee a day is not very harmful and unhealthy, drinking 4 cups of coffee a day can lead to addiction due to the caffeine in coffee. Plain filter coffee can be drunk up to 2 cups a day and it is ideal to drink 2 cups of filter coffee a day. However, even if 2 cups are to be drunk, the coffee should be plain filtered. If unfiltered coffee is consumed or if additional substances such as milk, cream and sugar are added to the coffee, coffee consumption should be limited to 1 cup.

Although 2 cups a day are considered ideal for filter coffee, how the coffee is made is also an important determinant of this consumption. Of course, the amount of consumption differs according to how the coffee is made, how it is brewed and how the coffee beans are roasted.

Does drinking filter coffee make you lose weight?

Filter coffee contains some compounds such as chlorogenic acid. These compounds are compounds that play a role in weight loss. Consuming filter coffee after a meal can slow down glucose production in the body. In addition, the production of fat cells decreases. However, this is found in coffees rich in caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

Filter coffee can help to lose weight if consumed without sugar, cream and milk. Especially, drinking filter coffee half an hour before heavy training and walking or after meals can prevent fat formation and accelerate fat burning. However, filter coffee does not directly cause weight loss and this should not be forgotten. No food, food, drink or supplement will directly cause weight loss. Some compounds and factors in foods and beverages can help with weight loss.

When to drink filter coffee?

According to researches, it is ideal to drink filter coffee after breakfast and after lunch. At the same time, drinking coffee at the beginning of the day or in the middle of the day can make stomach problems less or make you more fit and energetic. Drinking coffee in the evening or at night can cause heart palpitations, insomnia or stomach upsets. However, when to drink filter coffee, as well as how much to drink, how the coffee is made is also important. In general, it will be healthier to drink filter coffee in the morning or at noon.
