Filming of Netflix hit Kleo was massively changed by shock news from Hollywood

Filming of Netflix hit Kleo was massively changed by shock

Chantal in Fairytale Land star Jella Haase has been murdering her way through post-reunification Germany as former GDR spy Kleo for a few days now, chasing a red suitcase and her mysterious past. The fact that the contract killer repeatedly resorts to dangerous weapons is not unusual in the second season of the Netflix hit.

The Shooting the fight scenes However, it turned out to be more challenging for Haase and the film team than expected – because the Kleo shoot was shaken by terrible news from Hollywood.

Alec Baldwin’s fatal shot left its mark on the Netflix team around Kleo star Jella Haase

In October 2021, Alec Baldwin fired a shot with a live-action film weapon on the set of the western Rust, hitting and killing camerawoman Halyna Hutchins. The news caused consternation on the Kleo set – and prompted immediate changes in the way fight scenes were handled, as Jella Haase revealed in an interview with the Neue Osnarbrücker Zeitung:

When the news came out, we fought all day at Kleo, a very difficult fight scene. And suddenly we were highly sensitized. Back then, we immediately agreed on clear rules: We have to define our limits. We have to say when we are exhausted. We must not overdo anything, especially in fight scenes.


In the Netflix series Kleo, the use of weapons is not uncommon

In addition, according to Jella Haase, the handling of film weapons at Kleo is subject to very clear guidelines that ensure the safety of everyone present:

At the same time, no one could understand how such a mistake could even happen. There are gunsmiths who pay attention to safety. There must be no live ammunition on the set. In every single case in which I am handed a weapon, I am shown in detail that it is not loaded. It’s unbelievable that this could happen.

Kleo Season 2 is currently running with six new episodes on Netflix. Whether there will be a third season of the Netflix hit has not yet been confirmed by the streamer.

Podcast: The 8 best series endings of all time

In this edition of our Moviepilot podcast Streamgestöber we talk about the best series endings of all time. These include TV milestones such as The Wire, Six Feet Under and of course The Sopranos.

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