Fill up on energy for a great winter!

Fill up on energy for a great winter

Between the days that are getting shorter, the cold that sets in, the lack of sun and the stress of everyday life, it is not uncommon to display signs of fatigue during the winter season. Fortunately, solutions exist.

Marine magnesium, the best ally against winter fatigue

Magnesium deficiency is frequent in the French population. According to a scientific study, more than one in seven French people would be affected[1]. Diet, stress, alcohol abuse or even a lack of sleep are among the factors favoring the lack of magnesium. However, this mineral plays a major role in the body and its deficiency can have repercussions on fatigue and more generally on health.

Indeed, magnesium is one of the most important nutrients for the production of energy in the body. It is involved in more than 300 metabolic reactions[2], contributes to the normal maintenance of bones as well as the proper functioning of muscles and the nervous system. It’s proven, it helps reduce fatigue. For all these reasons, it is essential on a daily basis, and even more so during the changes of seasons, periods conducive to slack.

In case of deficit or deficiency, marine magnesium administered in the form of food supplements makes it possible to fill the gap. Magnesium hydroxide in particular has shown better assimilation than magnesium oxide[3].

A range of food supplements for the whole family

Expert in marine magnesium for over thirty years, Thalamag offers a range of food supplements for the whole family. Special sign, the marine magnesium present in its products comes from the Irish Sea, renowned for its high purity.

Away from maritime traffic, it has an abundant and varied ecosystem which gives it exceptional quality.

In order to effectively fight against fatigue linked to a lack of magnesium, Thalamag is innovating with Thalamag Boost, the first booster based on magnesium of marine origin. Its unique formula consists of a trio of active ingredients: magnesium from the Irish Sea, cola nut and spirulina. These three ingredients combined allow you to fill up with energy and vitality to face winter with panache.

For children from 6 years old, Thalamag has developed Thalamag Plasma Marin. Thanks to its formula based on marine plasma rich in magnesium and selenium, this food supplement suitable for young children acts in depth to maintain immunity and reduce fatigue. And for an easy take, Thalamag Plasma Marin comes in the form of an ampoule to be diluted in a large glass of water. Enough to spend the winter in great shape.

Thalamag Boost and Thalamag Plasma Marin are available in pharmacies and drugstores.

[1] SUVIMAX study. Hercberg S., Galan P., Preziosi P., Bertrais S, Mennen L., Malvy D. et al. Arch Intern Med 2004; 164: 2335-42.

[3] Greater bioavailability: quantity of magnesium which passes the cell barrier to reach the bloodstream. And in bioaccessibility: quantity of magnesium available for absorption after digestion. FELICE VD, O’GORMAN DM, O’BRIEN NM, HYLAND NP (2018). Bioaccessibility and Bioavailability of a Marine-Derived Multimineral, Aquamin-Magnesium. Nutrients. 2018 Jul.).
