Filipinos seek freshness in their islands

Filipinos seek freshness in their islands

In the Philippines this weekend, 36° recorded, but 44° felt in Manila. In most of the country’s large cities, residents are suffocating in the heat and seeking to cool down by any means possible. Those who can sometimes take the route to small islands, to find some fresh air near the sea.

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With our special correspondent on the island of Siargao, Juliette Pietraszewski

At the edge of the beach, hat on his head, Yen makes the most of the little breezes. This city dweller, originally from Cebu, preferred to flee her hometown for her few days of vacation, due to the weather.

It’s hotter there yes, because there is pollution and a lot of big buildings. So Siargao Island is better, because the wind is stronger here. I like doing activities that you can’t do in the city, like surfing.

At his side, his companion Carl, also happy to find a little respite from this period of heat.

Yes, it’s good here, there is a different breeze and no pollution or road traffic!

For this city-dwelling couple, the objective is to stay in contact with water as much as possible. Katie works at a diving and snorkeling center and is seeing an increase in demand from Filipino vacationers.

These are water activities, it refreshes them. There are some who travel from island to island, just to avoid the heat felt even here in Siargao Island. There are clients who tell me “come on, let’s go swimming!” » Because it’s too hot to just stay in one place. The idea is really to do activities in the water, not hiking and exploring the mountains, because we avoid the heat.

A little break of freshness to make you feel a little less oppressive in temperature.

Read alsoHeat records in Vietnam, many countries in Southeast Asia under heatwave
