Filipinos love sugar and fat but are slim – how is that possible? Watch the video letter

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

Watch Sara Rigatelli’s previous video letter from the Philippines: Welcome to the Philippines, the craziest Christmas country in the world – watch the video

Video letters from other correspondents:

Iida Tika’s letter from the United States: More money for minimum wage earners or not: see in the video letter what Americans will vote for in the US midterm elections

Suvi Turtiainen’s letter from Berlin: Lana, 14, has never been on a leash – see in the video letter why Berlin dogs know how to wait freely in front of a store

Pasi Toivonen’s letter from South Africa: Correspondent’s video letter: What happens if you go to sleep during a power outage?

What do you think about the Filipino diet? Discuss the topic until Tuesday 8 November. until 11 p.m.
