Filip Hammar on the reception of The last journey: “Happy for dad’s sake”

SVT had a chat with the film’s one director, also Köpingssonen, Filip Hammar, who has been waiting anxiously to see how the film will be received by the audience. Not least for the sake of his father Lars – the film’s main character.

– The film has received a very good reception. I’m happy about that, of course, but above all for dad’s sake. It would have felt so shitty to have dragged him into a project that was then not appreciated, says Filip Hammar.

In the clip above, Filip Hammar talks about the last trip with his father and whether the film is the duo’s ticket to the Oscars

Lars Hammar on playing the lead role in the film about himself: “Unlikely”

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In the clip, Lars Hammar talks about how he feels about Filip and Fredrik’s film “The Last Journey” in which he himself is the main character. Photo: Robert Gustavsson
