Filip Hammar did not appear in After Five: “A Mishap”

After yesterday’s big news that “Den sista resen” will be Sweden’s Oscar entry, Filip Hammar would be a guest after fem.
Now he tells why it didn’t turn out that way.
– When I landed there was some “mishap” there, I was completely dead, says Filip Hammar in today’s Efter fem.

Filip Hammar was on the plane to Los Angeles, and had just landed in Copenhagen when he received the news that “The Last Journey” will be this year’s Swedish Oscar entry. In the film, together with his companion Fredrik Wikingsson, he helps his aging father to bring back the spark of life through a trip in Southern Europe.

After the good news, he was supposed to be in Efter fem, but it didn’t happen that way.

– When I landed there was some “mishap” there, I was completely dead then. Maybe it was also because of this, I felt so dazed by the whole thing, says Filip Hammar in Friday’s Efter fem.

Host Tilde de Paula Eby says that when he didn’t show up yesterday, they hoped he was celebrating properly, but that wasn’t the case.

Started crying at Copenhagen airport

Once at Copenhagen airport, the news was emotional. He called both the mother, who was overjoyed, and the father, the film’s big star, before the flight took off for Los Angeles.

– I actually started crying then, it was incredibly overwhelming, says Filip Hammar.

He says he’s been telling himself all along that they won’t get this nomination, but hope is the last thing that leaves you.

– You can’t force yourself to stop dreaming, he says.

The celebration itself might be a little bit of with friends tomorrow, he says, but then it will be full focus on the Oscars.

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