filing of a complaint for homophobia against Mohamed Camara

filing of a complaint for homophobia against Mohamed Camara

The Bleus et Fiers association, campaigning against homophobia in football, filed a complaint on Tuesday June 5 against the players Mohamed Camara, Mostafa Mohamed and Nabil Bentaleb and their respective clubs of Monaco, Nantes and Lille as well as against the Professional Football League (LFP) for “ public incitement to hatred based on sexual orientation », According to a source close to the matter. During the 34th and final day of Ligue 1 dedicated to the fight against homophobia, on May 19, Malian international Mohamed Camara hid the badge against homophobia on the front of his jersey and dyed the badges black. rainbow colors on the Ligue 1 logo stuck to its sleeve. He also refused to pose in the pre-match photo. Summoned by the disciplinary committee of the Professional Football League and refusing before it to participate in awareness workshops to fight against homophobia, the Monegasque midfielder was suspended for four matches.
